
How To Choose Captivating Topics For Your MBA Dissertation

Millions of MBA papers have been written around the world. However, only a few capture the attention of academia. This can be attributed to the MBA dissertation topics that most students choose. There are those who have the most interesting topics that their papers are never bypassed when placed on the shelf. For others, the reverse happens. Because of a poorly crafted topic, the paper never captures the attention or imagination of any reader. This leaves the paper lying on the shelf for years.

According to experts, whether you will get an easy or difficult time in your dissertation writing depends on the topic you choose. A topic determines the type and quantity of materials you need to collect. The topic also determines the number of issues to be addressed by setting boundaries. If the topic is too wide, a lot of materials will be required.

But what conditions should topics for MBA dissertation projects meet? Here are some of the conditions.

  1. Psychology of branding
  2. Truth vs marketing hyperbole
  3. The value of outsourcing your marketing department
  4. Digital space and the changing face of marketing
  5. Localized language in marketing
  6. Product endorsement in an increasingly personality-sensitive world
  7. Social media marketing
  8. When choice of images or words turns against you
  9. Maintaining contact with customers without being a bother
  10. New technologies in phone marketing

There are excellent MBA dissertation assistance apps that help you to generate captivating titles. By spinning words using the apps, you will get fresh and ingenious topics for your paper. Consult your supervisor to ensure that the topics meet the required academic standards.
